Program FilesMicrosoft GamesHaloMAPSbloodgulch.mapIt's a lot easier to read, and it keeps it clean and makes it look more professional.Also, learn HTML coding. We got tutorials here for it and it's not to hard to learn.For example, this is the way to write a link in html:linknamewhere it says link it should be the URL and 'link name' is where the name for the link should be.By following these steps, you'll look more pro and it would be a lot easier to read your tutorial.:3I know how to code html perfectly wellThe Owner.
Wrote:They have already stated that content from the original versions does not carry over. Weapon skins, DLC, stats, multiplayer ranks or game saves do not carry over from the 360 versions.All the dlc maps are there, yet no weapon skins? Weak.Shipping the game with every multiplayer map from every game was one of their big selling points. At the end of the day, weapon and armour skins don't make the gameplay any better or actually add anything to the game, where maps do.
Therefore they may never be added.Don't get me wrong, I would like more customization options too, but to be honest, there's a hell of a lot more wrong with this game for me to be bothered worrying about gun camo's. I've been wanting to ask two important questions. Why can't the equipment determine the players individually and the type of Spartan they want to be.
Why are there all of these add-on's like the wrist comp system on Halo Reach and it has no usage; another example is the jet pak armor; you can't be a jet pack troopers once you unlocked it. Why can't you have Rocket boots to replace the Thruster Class? Why have the option of having a Ordnance Drop if you can't command it at will? Why can't it be real load out careers like Engineer who actually repairs broken down vehicles civilian vehicles adding on guns, fixing broken down army vehicles, doing reverse engineering on alien vehicles as well, its so much that can make the game great it just has to be acted on. Please allow us to equip the person we want to be in the Campaign. This would make us to play the Campaign and feel like a part of the Halo World.Two please tell me that you will perfect that in Halo Reach when you complete it and can you make it a option that use can equip to powers like a Auto-Turret and Bubble Dome?These are just observations as a Halo fanPS In the Master Chief Edition you could have let us have load outs (like in Halo Reach and In Halo 4) through out the Halo Universe from Halo 1 to Halo 4.Just saying.lolThanks Guys.